MSQUARE GLOBAL announced on the 5th that it signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for mutual cooperation with Hallyu Holdings, the world's No. 1 Hallyu platform company.
An official from MSQUARE Global said, "We have signed a strategic business alliance related to MSQUARE's K-PAL promotion and Korean language education services and foreign employment supply and demand projects through the global talent education development and manpower supply project platform K-PAL and the FANTO app of 26 million overseas users of Hallyu Holdings."
The core business of Hallyu Holdings, Korea's first direct listing company on NASDAQ, is FANTOO, a social media platform. With its real-time translation function, FANTOO is available to more than 150 countries around the world as it enables free communication between users without barriers to national and language. In FANTOO, users can engage in activities without joining fandom and process and share each other's contents to create secondary contents and receive rewards.
MSQUARE Global said, "FANTOO, a global fandom platform, provides a variety of services and contents that fans around the world who love the Korean Wave can enjoy," adding, "We hope to contribute to fostering global talents through exchanges and education of students around the world with M Square Global's K-PAL."
엠스퀘어글로벌㈜, 한류플랫폼 기업 한류홀딩스((HanryuHoldings)와 업무협약(MOU) 체결